Whether you require a luxury limousine for your special big day, or you need a business automobile service to get you home after a long week on a trip, finding a great limo service can be tricky. And with a lot of companies and automobiles to pick from, how do you choose the ideal one?
We understand that all the choices may seem overwhelming, but just asking a couple of simple questions could lead you to the best limo service offered. To help you with your choice, we’ve laid out some essential things to consider when looking for a limo service.
Licenses & Associations
Every limo service need to have a license number issued by the State that allows the limousine company to lawfully run. In order to keep a license, the DMV needs all limo services to have liability insurance that covers travelers. Ensure the limo service you choose is licensed and registered by browsing the DMV’s database of Licensed Transportation Providers.
In addition to being certified and registered, a credible limo business ought to belong to reputable associations such as the National Limousine Association (NLA). Be sure to look at the Better Business Bureau prior to deciding on a limo service. Here you see your potential limo company’s score according to the BBB, along with any previous grievances from consumers.
Fleet size
Research the fleet size of your potential limo company. Though the number of vehicles isn’t a direct reflection of the quality of the business, this will offer you some insight into the business and may help you identify the best company for your specific requirements. Small companies normally provide individualized service and heavily focus on one type of service like airport pickups. Medium-sized limo business may have a variety of vehicles and do everything from airport transfers to senior proms. While larger limo business have the capacity to deal with business accounts and have a wide array of automobiles varying from Town Cars and stretch limousines to charter buses.
Motorist screening
Any driver hired by a limo service needs to take a drug test and have a physical. In addition to these state guidelines, many trustworthy companies will run criminal background checks on potential staff members. Chauffeurs should have a spotless driving record and be very familiar with the limo company’s service area. Lastly, chauffeurs need to be tailored to your expectations. Ask how the driver will be dressed and let the limo business know your expectations at the start.
Make the effort to check out client reviews and reviews on the limo service’s site and seek to outdoors review websites like Angie’s List, Yelp, and even Facebook before you pick a limo company. Another terrific location to look for objective reviews, specifically if you are trying to find a limo for your wedding, is The Knot. Here you can read evaluations from bride-to-bes who actually utilized these limo services for their wedding day.
While safety might not be a fun subject to check out, it’s needed to research when picking a limo service. Examine to ensure the business you’re considering has a legitimate certification and liability insurance coverage. What type of training do their drivers have? Are their automobiles DOT checked?
Hours of operation
No matter the situation, your limo service must always be accessible and somebody ought to be readily available to take your call 24 hours a day. This is something you should talk about with your potential limo service upfront to ensure they can accommodate your schedule from start to finish.
For more information, visit Ambassador Limousine Service at https://www.atlanta-limos.com/